Why nobody’s watching your webinar recording

During the pandemic, webinars became a go-to format for disseminating information at scale. Unfortunately, we’re still suffering the consequences of this poorly planned and implemented content strategy.

Clients often wonder why their old webinar recordings aren’t being used by their audience. 

“There’s some great content in there!” they’ll say about the two hour panel recording, or the hour long slideshow with voiceover, or the in-person workshop they live streamed.

Of course there is, you’re an expert at what you do. But so much more is needed to actually make this type of content usable.

During the pandemic, webinars became a go-to format for disseminating information at scale. Unfortunately, we’re still suffering the consequences of this poorly planned and implemented content strategy.

First of all, webinars can be excellent learning experiences, but most aren’t. Many are poorly planned and designed from the start. So, a recording is basically just an even worse version of something that already wasn’t great.

Second, uploading your whole webinar recording to Youtube and linking to it or embedding it on your site is basically a waste of time for everyone involved because nobody wants that. Especially a live event or a Q & A where there is tons of irrelevant fluff, announcements about logistics, and MC transitions.

Here are 5 ways to get more out of your webinar recordings:

  • Create a post-event content plan AT THE START of your project. Not only will this make your live webinar more intentional, but it will ensure you pay attention to how you will disseminate knowledge after and make the most of your investment.
  • Convert your webinar into more discoverable and skimmable medium-form content segments based on logical themes. Give them descriptive titles and other metadata and organize them in a searchable resource library.
  • Make the best soundbites and segments into short-form educational content for Tik Tok, Youtube Shorts, and Instagram Stories. Use this to drive traffic to your site or resource page.
  • Create accurate transcripts of the recordings, use these to develop related articles, landing pages, handouts, worksheets and other useful downloads.
  • Create a mini-course, expanding on the topics covered and leveraging the highlights from the presentation or discussion.

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