Hot Takes

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Why nobody’s watching your webinar recording

During the pandemic, webinars became a go-to format for disseminating information at scale. Unfortunately, we’re still suffering the consequences of this poorly planned and implemented ...
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Video-based Learning Insights

Better Video-based Learning

Video can be very effective, but it needs to be done thoughtfully. Sending people an hour-long talking head (lecture) video is not the most helpful ...
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Purpose First, Format Second for Online Learning

Stop obsessing about which "content type" to use and focus on the purpose. Learning is a dance between current and future states, and you have ...
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How is Customer Education Different From Marketing?

Customer education often starts as a marketing initiative, which comes with surprising challenges. There are some very clear parallels between industries—however, there are some significant ...
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LMS Platform vs Content

A common mistake when selecting a LMS platform is to think of your LMS and resources as the same thing—they are not, and you’re likely ...
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7 Easy Ways to Improve Pre-recorded Webinars

There are so many simple ways to improve this format and make it more accessible and useful! You don’t need to throw it out, but ...
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