
Insights to provide you with a better understanding of people, culture, and technology.


When to Use Statements vs. Questions

What can we learn from improv beyond “yes, and…”? How to use statements. Every situation will have a different dynamic and expectations attached to it. Trying to understand the other person’s expectations and goals and your own can help you decide what to do.

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Common Issues with Learning Management Systems

When you have an LMS designed by engineers to be a checklist, sold by an overpromising salesperson, meeting a storage unit buyer—you have a surefire recipe for bad employee experience, and it’s really hard to crawl out of due to switching costs the longer you let it drag on.

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Benefits of a Humility Journal

By now, you’ve probably heard of the benefits of gratitude journaling (and journaling in general). Listing and describing things I’m grateful for has saved me many times in life by helping me pay attention to and appreciate the little things that make life wonderful.

What if we practiced this with intention directed towards humility?

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Learner vs Knower Cultures

How much do people value learning new things, compared to how much they feel the need to protect what they already know? Knowers tend to shut down ideas, while learners are more open and seek out contrary knowledge to increase clarity or their understanding of the whole picture.

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Brightly coloured waveforms move in parallel

Dual Channel Processing in Learning Experience Design

One of the most valuable topics to understand when designing digital learning experiences with multimedia is dual channel processing.

This describes how our brains process auditory and visual material through different channels, and has significant ramifications for managing and guiding attention.

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