
When you need an industry leading custom learning, knowledge, performance or behaviour change solution for your healthcare workforce or patients—we’re here for you every step of the way.

Change lives with digital resources and learning

Train healthcare workers

Tailor important messaging and learning experiences to the needs of your diverse audiences to make learning meaningful and memorable with tools like customized eLearning, animated videos, workbooks, checklists and other job aids.

Educate and support patients

Help patients understand important procedures and risks, reduce uncertainty, and improve the treatment and recovery experience for everyone by making important information approachable, engaging and accessible.

Use Cases

We regularly work on complex projects with healthcare workers and patients to improve care, support change, and engage stakeholders.

Training and Enablement

Share vital information and resources with your team rapidly and at scale with custom eLearning experiences, tools, and engaging virtual training.

Social Marketing

Shift behaviour, social norms, and culture over time through strategic interventions, communications, and support. Use marketing tactics for social good to raise awareness, reach and influence key stakeholders, and make important information available and usable.

Knowledge Translation

Take scientific insights and make them useful to stakeholders, including policymakers, healthcare providers, and the general public with custom strategies and communications tools.

Knowledge Mobilization

Effectively share and implement scientific knowledge practically within society, helping patients or the broader public with preventative strategies and tactics.

Customized communication, learning, and change strategies

Complex problems defy cookie-cutter and templated solutions. We design bespoke strategies and implementation plans for your specific situation and work with you every step of the way to support your team and desired outcomes. 

Related Services

Training, Learning and Development

Every organization needs to train and support people to do their jobs effectively. By planning and implementing learning and development (L&D) programs and resources, you give your team members a solid foundation and framework to grow within, leading to more productive employees and a more effective organization and culture. 

Knowledge Translation and Mobilization

Knowledge Translation is essential when there is a need to bridge the gap between research findings and practical applications to bring about societal benefits and informed decision-making. Translate research into clinical practice guidelines, improve patient outcomes, and enhance services.


Change Management

Change Management is useful anytime you’re asking a group of people to change their behaviour. In other words, it’s a way of helping people move from a current state to a future state, navigate the challenges of a transition, and sustain the change. 

Do you want to inspire change today?

This is your chance to make a difference for your audience and organization. Reach out, we’ll be happy to answer all your questions as soon as possible.

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