Interactive Video

Interactive video is the ideal solution for teaching interpersonal skills or creating engaging product demonstrations. Leverage branching scenarios and gamification to create immersive and captivating experiences that put the user in the driver’s seat.

Bring your vision to life

End-to-end creative partner

From scriptwriting and storyboarding, to production and animation, we will put you in the passenger seat throughout the process and walk you through everything.

Visual Appeal and Active Engagement

We help you visually communicate any idea in a concise and effective way, with a unique visual language that lets you completely control space and time to maximize your message with interactivity, visuals, sounds and words working together cohesively.

Our Advantages

There are too many production studios out there to count, but when you need a video to be designed with learning in mind, we’re the best.

Storytelling & Marketing

We are storytellers by nature, and appreciate the fact that human behaviour is guided by emotion. We craft elevated experiences through stories, visuals, and sound that connect and move people.

Instructional Video Design

Our Learning Experience Design and Instructional Design team oversees the content for video-based learning projects, guiding their production with evidence based multimedia principles to ensure they’re instructionally sound. 

Motion Graphics & Animation

Our in-house team includes video editors as well as motion graphics artists and animators, which means we can leverage advanced visual effects, titles, and graphics to emphasize key points and visualize information.

Interactive Videos

As one of the only custom eLearning Development companies in Canada, we have made a unique system for creating videos that can include interactive elements like buttons, cards, and quizzes—allowing you to make rich experiences where users make choices and explore multiple endings. Perfect for simulating conversations, management training, and sales enablement.

Customized communication, learning, and change strategies

Complex problems defy cookie-cutter and templated solutions. We design bespoke strategies and implementation plans for your specific situation and work with you every step of the way to support your team and desired outcomes. 


Learning Experience Design

Every organization needs to train and support people to do their jobs effectively. By planning and implementing learning and development (L&D) programs and resources, you give your team members a solid foundation and framework to grow within, leading to more productive employees and a more effective organization and culture. 

Motion Graphics & Animation

Animation gives you the ability to visually communicate any idea in a concise and effective way, with a unique visual language that lets you completely control space and time to maximize your message with visuals, sounds and words working together cohesively.

Custom eLearning Development

Create scalable digital learning experiences and knowledge products that make a difference—and that people love. Make it easy for people to help themselves with self-serve learning portals and engaging content. Each eLearning asset you create generates compounding ROI over time as you deliver timely and relevant information and resources to people as they need it and in the natural flow of their work or daily activities.

Do you want to inspire change today?

This is your chance to make a difference for your audience and organization. Reach out, we’ll be happy to answer all your questions as soon as possible.

Learn how we helped 100 top brands gain success