Learning Experience Design

We design transformative and highly engaging resources, curricula, programs, and interventions that enable behaviour and support sustained change.

When you need expert guidance and support

Collaborative engagements

We work with you and your people in a flexible and collaborative way, setting up relationships with tailored support and communication to meet your needs. We build long term relationships so we can create substantial outcomes together over time.

Make the most of your investment

Our consultative services are the best way to start any project. We dig deep to understand your desired outcomes, problems, audience and identify high impact opportunities.  We like to build long term relationships where we can fully understand your organization’s needs and goals and support you responsively over time with customized recommendations and solutions.

Learning Design Services

Our Learning Experience Designers bring a breadth of tools and experiences together to design learning that matters. Here are some common steps in our learning design engagements.

Needs Analysis

Clearly defining the problem and understanding the knowledge or behaviour gap behind the learning intervention is central to making an impactful learning experience. 

Content Analysis

We frequently work on adapting and converting programs into new formats, such as adapting in-person training or webinar content into eLearning, virtual training, or online courses. This involves gaining a deep understanding of the material and desired outcomes. We also analyze your brand style and voice to help guide the adaptation. 

Audience Analysis

We have roots in communications, marketing and UX, and have learned that understanding the end-user or audience is the foundation to any successful learning design project. Through interviews, surveys, testing and secondary research we build audience profiles to guide the work.

Curriculum Development

Outlining, structuring and sequencing the learning experience is a craft we have honed to maximize impact and streamline effective learning.

Customized communication, learning, and change strategies

Complex problems defy cookie-cutter and templated solutions. We design bespoke strategies and implementation plans for your specific situation and work with you every step of the way to support your team and desired outcomes. 

Related Services

eLearning Development

Create scalable digital learning experiences and knowledge products that make a difference—and that people love. Make it easy for people to help themselves with self-serve learning portals and engaging content. Each eLearning asset you create generates compounding ROI over time as you deliver timely and relevant information and resources to people as they need it and in the natural flow of their work or daily activities.

Video and Animation

Videos have a unique ability to evoke emotion and communicate social cues. Whether telling a story or sharing vital information, video is a powerful tool when done right. We create engaging animated and live action videos to get your message across in a highly appealing and effective way.

Change Management

Change Management is useful anytime you’re asking a group of people to change their behaviour. In other words, it’s a way of helping people move from a current state to a future state, navigate the challenges of a transition, and sustain the change. 

Do you want to inspire change today?

This is your chance to make a difference for your audience and organization. Reach out, we’ll be happy to answer all your questions as soon as possible.

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